🛑 STOP Your ARTIFICIAL TURF from MELTING 🔥 Do-It-Yourself Window Film Solution 😎

Heat Reflecting Windows Can Melt Neighbors Vinyl Siding

We get contacted all the time from people worrying about some variation of the same question, which is whether or not sun reflections can melt vinyl siding on a neighbor's house. And the answer is a very serious yes, yes it can and, given the right circumstances, it will. If you have just had energy efficient windows, also called low-e for low emissivity windows, installed in your home, if the sun hits those windows at an angle such that it reflects onto your neighbor's home, the sun glare can melt vinyl siding and, with it, melt your heretofore fine relationship. So if you just got low-e windows, the next step is to get Turf Guard Window Film that will scatter bounced sunlight instead of concentrating it into a hot, destructive beam.

Sun Melted House's Vinyl Siding

So it's too late, is it? Your low-e windows melted a neighbor's vinyl siding or the vinyl siding of your house was melted by sun reflecting off low-e windows next door? Then you will have to replace the vinyl, and when you do, also apply Turf Guard Window Film or kindly ask your neighbor to do so, because the damage will occur again and again, it's not a fluke -- in fact, as low-e windows become more common, vinyl siding melted by sun refections is becoming a common issue.

Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Melted Siding

Unfortunately, most home insurance programs do not cover vinyl siding melted by solar glare. And if you try to take legal action against a neighbor to compel them to cover the damage caused to vinyl siding by reflected sunlight, the issue can get thorny fast, especially if the windows were mandated by law. Should the neighbor pay, or the manufacturer? Are either really at fault? Better than trying to sort the policy and legal issues later is to get Turf Guard Window Film now and prevented melted vinyl siding before it happens.
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