How Do You Stop Window Reflection from Melting Siding?
In this article we will explain exactly how to stop window reflection from melting and damaging vinyl siding by using Turf Guard Window Film .
Energy efficient windows often have an optical coating that is highly reflective, rejecting maximum solar energy (AKA light) in order to keep the inside of the home or business cooler and less expensive to maintain. But all that rejected energy has to go somewhere, and if the place it beams off to is vinyl siding, that siding can melt and be damaged or outright ruined. And vinyl siding melted by sun reflections is more than just an eyesore; damaged siding can reduce insulation quality and can let in rain and moisture, leading to much bigger problems later.
How Reflected Sun Can Melt Vinyl Siding
Light bounces off energy efficient windows at a much higher rate than it does off regular glass for two reasons: first, there's that coating that makes the windows so reflective in the first place. Second, the vacuum seal between the dual panes of glass can create a curved, lens like surface that directs the sun into a super heated beam of light.