Window Glare Melts Vinyl Siding More Often Than You Think
If you have energy efficient windows that are positioned such that sunlight could bounce off the glass onto vinyl siding, then you may well have a ticking time bomb kind of situation. And if said vinyl siding is on your neighbor's house, then you might be facing a pretty awkward conversation as you discuss the costly repairs needed after your windows melted their walls!
When sunlight hits energy efficient low-e windows it can become concentrated into hot beams that can melt vinyl siding -- the term "distortion" is what people in the building industry often use -- and ruin both the looks and the efficacy of the material. And even if you have already had your low-e windows for a season or two without issue, know that the damage may still be coming.
With the Change of Season Window Glare Can Damage Vinyl Siding
As the earth moves around the sun and changes position relative to the beams coming from the center of the solar system, the place the light reflected off your windows can change. And if that concentrated life coming off energy efficient windows finds itself upon vinyl siding next season, it may well melt the vinyl and ruin the exterior of the property even if you haven't seen any vinyl siding melting issues in the past. The time to stop window glare melting vinyl walls is before the damage begins. Turf Guard Window Film sends sunshine harmlessly scattering away in all directions instead of letting it form hot, destructive beams that can damage your property or that of a neighbor nearby.
Don't hesitate to get Turf Guard Window Film and stop vinyl siding melting issues before they begin, because once this material is damaged, it can't be repaired, it has to be pulled off and replaced in order to restore the appearance and proper weather proofing of the home or business.