The sun's radiation can be amplified by glass window reflections, causing hot spots on your synthetic turf. Turf can be damaged or even melted in these overheated environments, and it can happen rapidly. And if you buy brand new grass, you can find melt spots a week later. Only if you have a Low-E window in your home will you experience this reflective damage.
Although energy-efficient windows are the most common cause of fake grass melting, they aren't the only source of the issue. Decor, lawn equipment, and even toys with gleaming and mirrored surfaces can reflect enough heat to harm grass. It doesn't happen very often, but if you're certain the issue isn't with your windows, this is where you should look next.
How to Find Reflective Damage Sources
There are steps you may take to minimize or even eliminate the possibility of melting once you understand how reflective damage to turf occurs. The first step is to familiarize yourself with the environment surrounding your house.
Start by surveying the outside of your home if you're trying to figure out what caused the damage, or if you're preparing to install turf in the future and want to be prepared. Do you have any windows that let light into your yard? Are there any other reflective objects in the region, such as mirrors or shiny decor, that could reflect heat?
Take Some Measurements
It's time to take some measurements after you've identified areas where secondary glare is mirrored. Place a thermometer on the ground near the reflections and take the temperature. Repeat this throughout the day, particularly during the hottest part of the day. It's a good idea to take precautionary measures if the temperature rises above 150 degrees Fahrenheit at any stage.
You can also use a sample or test strip of turf to see if there's a risk of reflective damage. Place the test piece in the troubled area and return to it in a week or so. Examine the sample carefully. Is there any evidence of damage or melting?
If that's the case, it's time to learn how to defend your territory. Contact us to discover how to turf guard window tints can protect your turf from melting.