🛑 STOP Your ARTIFICIAL TURF from MELTING 🔥 Do-It-Yourself Window Film Solution 😎

Creative Ways to Beautify Your Grass Despite Extreme Heat

There are a lot of reasons why people are choosing to have artificial grass on their lawn at home instead of natural grass. One of the main reasons is that caring for artificial grass takes only minimal time and effort.

There is no watering needed, which can significantly reduce your water bill. There is also no need for any fertilizer that can intoxicate the groundwater. Artificial lawn also eliminates the need for mowing, and you can choose any style of artificial turf that you want with its different shades, height, and style which still looks as beautiful in your yard as natural grass.

Here are some ways to beautify your grass at home and maintain its rich and beautiful artificial turf lawn.

Cleaning Your Artificial Lawn

It is wrong to think that getting artificial grass instead of natural grass means it won’t need any kind of maintenance. Even though it won’t die when not watered daily, artificial grass still needs some looking after.

One of the easiest ways to beautify your grass is to keep it clean from any falling leaves or debris regularly. Dirt and some dust can easily be removed from artificial turf by using a blower or a broom that has stiff bristles.

Brushing the blades occasionally is also one of the excellent ways to beautify your grass and keep them standing and looking as natural as they can look.

Artificial Turf Don’ts

It is important to prevent any damage from happening to your artificial turf. Some of the things that you have to avoid to keep your grass looking good as new include keeping any cigarettes or open flames far away from your synthetic grass. These things can damage your turf and might even ignite flames on the grass.

Sharp edges should also be avoided near your artificial turf since it can also puncture or tear the turf surface. Homeowners must also avoid keeping their sprinkler heads on the turf. There might be mineral deposits left behind that can cause discoloration to the grass.

Protect Turf from Melting

Artificial turf can melt. Those brown spots that you can see on your artificial lawn is actually your grass melting because of the window reflection and the UV radiation from the sun. While you can protect your grass by putting blinds or installing window screens, it covers the view from outside the windows.

One effective way to protect your artificial grass without covering your windows is by using turf guard window films. Visit our website and find out how our turf guard window film can help you minimize the effects of window reflection on your turf.

Protect Your Artificial Turf, Natural Grass and Vinyl Siding from Reflection Damage

Turf Guard Window Film is an Affordable Do-It-Yourself Window Film Solution

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