🛑 STOP Your ARTIFICIAL TURF from MELTING 🔥 Do-It-Yourself Window Film Solution 😎

Here Is How to Prevent Windows from Melting Artificial Turf

Grass is great, but turf is better. Why? Because unlike with natural grass, once artificial grass is installed, your work is done for years to come. No watering, now mowing, no fertilizing, no weeding -- the fake grass looks real but comes with none of the hassles of a regular lawn. The one major drawback? Unlike living grass, turf grass can't grow back if it's damaged; damaged turf grass such as turf melted by solar reflections must be removed and replaced, and that means time, money, and effort you thought you had already spent and were done with. Save yourself the hassle and the cash of replacing damaged turf grass by getting Turf Guard Window Film for your home's windows and stop the melting damage before it can even happen.

Artificial Grass Burns Ruining Your Property's Looks?

If you see odd streaks, patches, or whole swaths of damage in your artificial lawn, you can probably trace a line between the angle of the sun, the windows, and the ruined fake grass. When the sun reflects off windows it can create a hot beam of light that melts the grass, and with repeated exposure and the slow turn off the planet, over time, these reflections can ruin the entire yard. Don't let it happen to your property! Get Turf Guard Window Film installed ASAP and send that light bouncing in thousands of directions instead of getting concentrated on  your yard, not to mention other heat susceptible surfaces around the property.

Stop Melted Vinyl Siding Damage

Beyond the damage that can be caused to artificial grass, heated window reflections bouncing off low-e windows don't stop the problems on the ground. Solar glare off windows can cause vinyl siding and fences to buckle, deform, and melt, requiring replacement to keep your property looking good and, in the case of vinyl siding, to offer the same level of weather protection you expect from this useful material. Protecting your home against window glare is highly important, but it need not be highly expensive when you use Turf Guard Window Film as your best solution for melted vinyl siding, melting turf grass, and many other low-e reflective widow issues. 

Protect Your Artificial Turf, Natural Grass and Vinyl Siding from Reflection Damage

Turf Guard Window Film is an Affordable Do-It-Yourself Window Film Solution

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