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Tips on How to Care for and Protect Artificial Turf

A synthetic lawn is a great option for homeowners. Artificial grass is relatively low maintenance but still requires some sprucing up once in a while. Aside from lawn maintenance, homeowners should also know what to do to protect artificial turf.

Put It in Your Calendar

Set a specific schedule for cleaning and sprucing up your artificial turf. Maybe you can remove debris like leaves every two weeks or wash the lawn once a month. Whatever you decide, make sure you stick to it and make it a regular part of your home maintenance.

Brush for a Better Look 

Artificial grass needs to be cleaned at least once a month. This will ensure that the lawn's pile remains in good condition. Use a soft bristled brush and remember to brush turf in different directions. This will keep the blades upright and springy.

Change with the season.

Homeowners would have to adjust their artificial lawn regimen every season to protect their artificial turf. For example, since it will be dustier during summer, you'll have to brush your lawn more often. And while autumn's leaves are lovely to look, it also causes more debris to fall in your yard. These leaves would have to be removed to improve drainage and reduce the incidence of weed growth.

Prevent Disaster from Happening

Take the same precautions with your lawn that you would do if you're doing work on your house. For example, put down some protective covers if you're painting a fence. Do not barbecue or light firecrackers on your artificial turf because it's made from highly flammable materials. Remember that it's better to be safe than sorry.  

Protect It with Film 

One of the best ways to protect artificial turf is to put window film on all the windows. The glare coming from a window can cause artificial grass to become discolored or to melt. A window insulation film will diffuse the sun's reflection and reduce the intensity of the window glare. This will minimize the chances of your turf burning and make your home more energy efficient.

Why You Should Protect Your Lawn

A synthetic lawn is an investment that will serve you and your property well. As with any investment, it should be protected and cared for. Aside from regular maintenance, residents should also make adjustments on their behavior. Simple changes like not wearing heels on the turf or banning sharp objects can go a long way in prolonging the life of your artificial lawn. 

Protect your lawn with a premier window film like Turf Guard Window Film. This protective cover will lower your energy bills and prevent artificial grass melting from the sun's heat. So if you want to protect your artificial turf, don't forget to use Turf Guard.

Protect Your Artificial Turf, Natural Grass and Vinyl Siding from Reflection Damage

Turf Guard Window Film is an Affordable Do-It-Yourself Window Film Solution

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