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3 of the Most Common Reflection Issues in Grass

Humans are like grass. They adapt to survive. They eat. The only difference between the human being and grass is that humans are on top of the food chain. Even so, humans still encounter problems. They get sick. They die. Well, that’s pretty similar to how the grass’ life work.  Just like humans, grass also encounters problems, and it usually has something to do with reflected light. Here are some of the most common reflection issues in grass.

1. Reflected Light Can Burn Grass

Remember back in Science class when your teacher would ask you to burn a piece of paper using sunlight and a magnifying glass? Common reflection issues in grass can happen if your grass is exposed to reflected light for too long.

2. The Grass Won’t Grow Right

Sunlight is the ultimate source of food for grass and other plants. With that, plants tend to grow towards the light, which is up. For example, a seed planted on the soil tends to grow upward.

This might have something to do with gravity. This concept called gravity gives the plants a sense of an upward or downward direction. Gravity tends to pull the roots down and the stem up. However, plants also need the light to be in an upward direction in order for it to grow.

If the light is located at the side, then the grass will also tend to grow at the same direction and not up. This can cause common reflection issues in grass, especially if you’re trying to maintain a beautiful lawn.

3. Reflected Light Can Suck More Water From the Grass

Too much watering can cause the grass or plant to grow too quickly, and as a result the grass is going to need more water for survival. Whenever you’re not giving enough water for the grass, it dies.

So, what does any of that have to do with reflected light?

3 of the Most Common Reflection Issues in Grass

The tendency of light is to suck the water from plants. With reflected light, more water will be sucked. That said, it could result to the eventual death of the grass. 

Don’t limit yourself to the three listed above. There could be more things going if your grass is exposed to window reflection too much.

Window reflection can turn into burning grass or turf burn, which is why you need the aid of sun control film for windows such as Turf Guard Screen Film. This thing is like a sun control film. With this lawn protector, your grass will be protected against common reflection issues in grass.

Protect Your Artificial Turf, Natural Grass and Vinyl Siding from Reflection Damage

Turf Guard Window Film is an Affordable Do-It-Yourself Window Film Solution

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