🛑 STOP Your ARTIFICIAL TURF from MELTING 🔥 Do-It-Yourself Window Film Solution 😎

3 Surefire and Quick Remedies to Stop Burning Turf

There are many ways to stop burning turf, but most of these remedies require a lot of time, resources, and sometimes provide only temporary solutions. However, one can always utilize a much more efficient way to prevent turf melting by sticking to surefire but quick remedies. Read on to know more.

1. Select Turf with a Higher Melting Point

Synthetic grass is a great choice if you are a very busy person. It requires low turf maintenance because it requires minimal to no watering or mowing. It is also an environment-friendly choice to make because it does not necessitate for gasoline in lawnmowers that emit carbon monoxide. Synthetic grass has also no need for weed killers or pesticides, thus eliminating them in the vicinity of your whole lawn.

The only problem with plastic is that it melts under the exposure of high temperature. Even if each blade of grass is most probably coated with polyurethane for strength and endurance for heavy foot traffic, the effects of heat are inevitable. This is why you have to choose a grass with a higher melting point for you to be able to stop burning turf and ease those tough turf problems away. Choose a grass that has a melting point of more than 200 degrees Fahrenheit to endure the hot climate, especially the summer heat.

2. Install Efficient Window Films

Energy-saving windows are great to keep the interior of your home cooler. However they can also be the culprit as to why you have to deal with turf burn. The reflection coming from your energy-saving windows can potentially increase the sun’s glare towards the grass and melt them.

It is wise to choose and install efficient window films that are turf-friendly. Turf Guard Window Film is made specifically to address lawn problems and solutions. While the issue on how to fix burnt grass is a challenging one to solve, it is not totally impossible if one just knows how to prevent it in the first place. By installing a treated window, the glare reflecting to the grass can be lessened to a significant amount and this will help stop burning turf soon after installation.

3. Hydrate Your Lawn

The easiest way to stop burning turf is counteracting the effects of high temperature. No other way is better in doing so than installing a hydrating system in your lawn. You don’t need to water artificial grass frequently, but you can find mist installations which translate into fog-like formation shielding your entire lawn. This slows down direct sunlight from reaching your grass blades.

If you need to know more about treated window films that are beneficial for your turf, reach us at our website.

Protect Your Artificial Turf, Natural Grass and Vinyl Siding from Reflection Damage

Turf Guard Window Film is an Affordable Do-It-Yourself Window Film Solution

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