Artificial turf melting is a major lawn problem of false grass users. Though false grass for gardens looks real and is manageable, home owners may encounter such problem especially when the lawn is not checked regularly. But still, gardeners and landscapers recommend the use of turfs instead of grass due to the former’s advantages.
Artificial Turf’s Prices Varies
Artificial turf’s cost varies depending on its material while the installation fee depends on the size of your landscape area. You can always search online for artificial grass estimate.
Also with an artificial turf, you can choose the type of grass that will be installed on your landscape. You may prefer a fake long grass or opt for shorter one.
Undoubtedly, having a fake lawn installed on your garden would bring you a lot of advantages than a real grass. But, even the best artificial turf may distort due to direct and indirect sun’s heat exposure. Thus, garden owners must take artificial turf melting as a serious and major lawn problem.
Advantages of Artificial Grass
An artificial turf has the following benefits: requires little maintenance, some types can be laid onto concrete, good for shade, roof terraces, and balconies, water conservation, ideal for landscaping, and no wear and tear.
Contributing Factors to Artificial Turf Melting
The sun’s rays are one of the contributing factors to your artificial turf melting. The heat coming from the sun is too much for the artificial turf because it does not have the cooling properties that a real grass has.
Another contributing factor is the sun’s reflection. Heat is magnified on your turf once reflected on windows. It causes more damage and the primary reason why your turf is melting.
Solution To Artificial Turf Melting: Perforated Window Film
So, is there a solution to it? Fortunately there is. Installing a clear perforated window film is the answer to this problem.
A clear perforated window film has some heat blocking properties that blocks off the heat coming from the sun. So, you no longer have to worry about the sun’s reflection melting your artificial turf.
Perforated Window Film Is Designed To Prevent Turf Melting
It can be easily installed to your windows. The design of this window film allows you to see clearly through your window. This solution has been tried and tested to prevent to your artificial turf melting. Also, having a window film installed on your home or office window is a nice sight to look at.
So, if you are having problems and annoyed because of artificial turf melting, get a clear perforated window film and put a stop to this problem once and for all.