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How to Make Your Artificial Grass Burnproof All Year

Go to your garden and look at your artificial grass. Do you see any brown spots on your lawn? There’s only one reason for this – your artificial turf is burning!

There are two reasons why scorching happens. The first reason is the weather. During summer, the climate tends to get hotter. Water is also becoming scarce. Because of the warm temperature and insufficient water supply, brown spots occur.

Another reason is the window reflection. This happens when sunlight hits the glass window. Its surface acts like a magnifying glass, which concentrates the rays on one area. Consequently, the temperature will rise, causing the grass blades to burn.

Fortunately, there are several ways to make your artificial grass burn proof. But which is the most efficient method of preventing your grass from burning? Let’s find out.

Plant Tall Trees in Your Garden

If you have a big yard, you may opt for planting trees in your garden. Trees are essential in the environment. They sip water to prevent flooding. Moreover, they absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) and produce oxygen (O2), which alleviate the temperature.

But the best thing about trees is that they serve as natural sun protectors. Because of their size, they can block the sun’s UV rays. Thus, your artificial lawn won’t burn, especially those areas that are under the tree.

However, it would take years before it can protect your turf. If you need an immediate solution, this may not be the best choice.

Install Awnings

Awnings can serve as an additional roof or a replacement window. They both block the sunlight and reduce glare. Furthermore, they add value to your home. Simply retract the cover, if it’s a roof, or open the sash to serve its purpose to your artificial grass.

However, buying these tools can be expensive. Moreover, you need to hire a professional installer as you can’t do it on your own. If you’re on a tight budget, these may not be the best options.

Use Shade Sails

A shade sail is a tool used for creating an outdoor shade. It blocks the sunlight in your yard, allowing your synthetic turf to cool down. Just set it up on your desired location.

However, it can darken your room. Moreover, it only covers a small area. If you have a huge backyard, or you still want the natural light to come in, this may not be the best choice.

Apply Perforated Window Films

Perforated window films are used in buildings and stores. These window films provide additional space for advertising. But nowadays, homeowners use them to protect their artificial grass.

Perforated films have UV blockers, which prevent the synthetic grass from fading out. Furthermore, they have anti-glare properties that refract the light off, causing the heat to decrease. As a result, your fake grass will be as green as before, even if the weather is scorching hot. Just attach the film to the glass window, and you’re done!

Many sellers offer perforated window films. But if you’re looking for a high-quality film that can protect your artificial grass, then you should choose Turf Guard Window Film. Visit our website, windowfilmforturf.com, and get our products.

Protect Your Artificial Turf, Natural Grass and Vinyl Siding from Reflection Damage

Turf Guard Window Film is an Affordable Do-It-Yourself Window Film Solution

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