🛑 STOP Your ARTIFICIAL TURF from MELTING 🔥 Do-It-Yourself Window Film Solution 😎

How to Repair Artificial Turf Damage From Reflective Properties

Artificial turf is widely used not only in subdivisions, but also in commercial areas. It adds beauty to the surroundings without requiring a lot of maintenance. However, there are instances where your contemporary lawn gets damaged. One of the common issues with this product is that it melts.

Melting happens when the synthetic grass gets too much heat from the sun and its surroundings. For instance, energy-efficient windows have magnifying glass-like properties. Once the sunlight touches the window’s surface, the heat and light will bounce off the grass, causing the temperature to increase. Consequently, discoloration will appear, followed by disintegration.

If this problem exists on your artificial turf, here are some ways that you could do to repair the damage.

Tip #1: Replace the Patchy Area With a New Piece.

One of the things that you can do is to replace the damaged artificial grass with a new set. If you have remnants left from the carpet, use it to change the patchy area. Get the size of the spot you want to remove and cut it. Use it as a pattern for your leftover pieces to get the exact dimension. Place it in the hole and install it.

If you don’t have extra pieces, you may need to shop around. Ask for a sample from the manufacturer and compare it to your existing artificial turf. This way, you could get a piece that has the same shade of your lawn.

Tip #2: Apply Screen to Your Windows and Doors.

Not only do screens prohibit insects from entering your house, but they protect your synthetic turf as well. Apply it to your door or windows to reduce heat from your lawn.

Tip #3: Plant More Trees in Your Garden.

Though you have artificial turf in your yard, it doesn’t mean you don’t need to plant trees. Trees do not only clean the air we breathe, but they also add beauty to our homes. Furthermore, it can give protection to your contemporary grass field as it provides shade to your lawn.

When planting trees, make sure you know where the heat and the light directly hit. This way, it won’t ruin the appearance of your garden. Likewise, this is to ensure that your turf gets the right protection once the trees grow.

Tip #4: Use Perforated Window Films.

We often see these window tints in buildings as it is where they display their ads. However, homeowners use this film in their homes as well. Aside from giving them a clearer outdoor view as opposed to other window films, it also gives added protection to your artificial lawn. It blocks UV rays to prevent discoloration and reduces reflection and heat.

Unfortunately, not all perforated films are made equally. To ensure you get high-quality perforated tints for your windows, then choose the ones made by the Turf Guard. They do not only improve the aesthetic design of your home, but also give protection to your fake grass.

Get a decent and quality window film for your artificial turf! Visit our website, windowfilmforturf.com, and place your order.

Protect Your Artificial Turf, Natural Grass and Vinyl Siding from Reflection Damage

Turf Guard Window Film is an Affordable Do-It-Yourself Window Film Solution

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