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How to Repair Melting Spots on Artificial Lawn

We all know the benefits of having an artificial lawn, but do we know the reasons why it gets damaged? Fortunately, turf damage is not a common thing. Only those who live in hot countries or those whose field is surrounded by reflective properties experience this issue. But if does happen, how will you repair the damage? In this post, we will give some ways to fix the soft spots on your turf.

But first, let’s discuss the cause of this problem.

Why Has Your Synthetic Grass Melted?

There are two reasons why the artificial lawn melts. First is the prolonged exposure to the sun. Although synthetic turf has an extremely high melting point, it doesn’t mean it is susceptible to disintegration. Once the grass reaches its temperature limit, chances are, it will burn or melt.

The second reason is exposure to reflective properties. This is common in residential and commercial areas. Houses and establishments have windows to let the natural light come in and see what’s going on outside their properties.

The problem with these windows is the reflection. A reflection occurs when the electrons of the window are compatible with the light frequency, causing it to bounce off. However, it doesn’t soak up the heat, which is why it is transmitted to the artificial lawn. As a result, the turf’s temperature rises, which leads to melting.

How to Repair Melted Artificial Turf?

There are two methods to fix melted artificial lawn. First, you need to remove the melted area and replace it with a new piece. Cut out the damaged turf and get a new piece to change it. However, you have to be aware that used fake grass will look different from the newly installed piece. Nevertheless, the difference will become less visible over time.

Once you have replaced the damaged turf, obviously, you want to preserve its beauty so it won’t happen again. You can use a hose to wet the area as it will cool down the temperature of the field. However, its effect will only last for 5 to 20 minutes. Therefore, you have to sprinkle it with water again to keep it cool. This task is not only time-consuming but costly as well.

If you want to have a permanent solution for your grass field, you may opt for perforated window films. Generally used in posting ads to buildings and stores, you can also use it in protecting your faux grass.

Perforated window films have anti-reflective properties. It blocks the sun’s rays, which prevents the turf from fading. Furthermore, it cools down the lawn’s temperature as it absorbs the heat. Thus, the risk of having melting spots on your lawn will be minimized.

Installing the window perf is easy. In fact, you don’t need to hire a professional installer because you can do it alone. Simply stick the film to the outer part of the window. Make sure it covers all sides of the glass. Punch it lightly to make sure that the film sticks, then peel away the liner carefully until you remove it completely.

Repairing and protecting your artificial lawn is easy if you use premium perforated window films. Visit our website, windowfilmforturf.com, and buy our products.

Protect Your Artificial Turf, Natural Grass and Vinyl Siding from Reflection Damage

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