🛑 STOP Your ARTIFICIAL TURF from MELTING 🔥 Do-It-Yourself Window Film Solution 😎

Stop Melted Vinyl Siding Damage

If you have experienced your home vinyl siding melting and deforming, you might be surprised by the culprit behind the damage. If there is a grill set too close to the vinyl siding, that can surely cause melting, as can outdoor heaters, a faulty condenser, and other hardware. But more often than not, the cause of melted vinyl siding on homes is actually sunlight reflecting off windows onto vinyl walls.

Traditional glass windows don't create the kind of heat that can melt vinyl siding, but energy efficient windows do. For starters energy efficient windows cause vinyl siding to melt based a highly reflective coating on the exterior of the glass that rejects more solar heat from the home. That heat has to go somewhere, and if it reaches nearby vinyl walls, that siding may well contort and melt. The problem is often made even worse by the concave shape many energy efficient windows take on due to the vacuum seal between the doubled panes of glass. This concavity concentrates the beam of light, further increasing the heat that hits the vinyl walls.

Stopping vinyl siding from melting caused by energy efficient windows is quite a simple project, fortunately: all you need to do is have perforated window film applied to the exterior of the windows. This speciality window film causes sunlight to scatter in countless directions, so the concentrated heat won't hit vinyl siding and cause melting that can only be fixed by removal and replacement.

If energy efficient windows are burning vinyl siding at your home or your place of business, upgrade to stop window reflections from melting and ruining property with window film to block reflected glare today. This anti glare window film will pay for itself in terms of all the repairs you never have to pay for.

Protect Your Artificial Turf, Natural Grass and Vinyl Siding from Reflection Damage

Turf Guard Window Film is an Affordable Do-It-Yourself Window Film Solution

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