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What Are The Benefits of Artificial Turf for Dog Owners?

turf for dogs
You adore both your dog and your grass. However, one of them has the potential to do significant harm to the other. Some dogs enjoy digging holes in the grass, while others leave urine stains that appear to be fertilizer burn. Many dogs track mud and dirt into the house as well.

None of this occurs in a synthetic grass yard, which is designed for long-term use and durability, regardless of whether people or pets play on it. Dog owners adore fake grass just as much as their canine companions. Here are five of the reasons why they like it so much:

Inviting, luscious, and soothing

There are no prickly weeds, brown patches, or, most importantly, fleas and bugs that could infest your pet. Fleas and bugs no longer have access to natural grass as a food source, so they move elsewhere. As a result, after playing outdoors, dogs no longer need a bath. Plus, you won't have to worry about them killing the grass if you let them play for as long as they want.

There are no holes and no mud

Dogs' love of digging holes and stirring up the ground after they relieve themselves will leave natural grass looking disheveled. Dogs cannot burrow in fake grass because of the environmentally friendly rubber infill, and there are no more dirty or muddy paws because of the lack of sod.

Maintenance is reduced

Artificial turf does not require mowing, trimming, or edging, nor does it require pesticide treatment. Instead of waiting for a chemical application to dry, your dog will spend more time playing in the yard.

Drainage is fast

Most dogs like to play and relax on dry grass, and a high-quality artificial lawn has a permeable, rinse-clean surface that allows for quick drainage after rain or snowfall, as well as reduced odors. The turf backing and multi-colored blades are separated from the field by a sturdy foundation with built-in tunnels to maximize water flow.

Cleanup is easy

You can quickly clean up dog waste with a pooper-scooper, and you won't remove any clumps of ground in the process (a common occurrence in natural grass yards). A hose can then be used to saturate the field. A synthetic lawn can be a smart and practical choice for pet owners because it offers many wellness, protection, and maintenance benefits.

If you'd like more information about artificial turf and turf protection for your lawn, send us a message or call us now.

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