A window glass is made to function as a shield from the elements outside of your home. It protects you from rain, wind, snow, and dust. It acts as a shield but still, provides that natural view from and to the world outside. Ninety percent of energy transmits through the glass. This is possible when sunlight or solar energy composed of light, UV rays, and heat hits a window that is untreated.
If a window film controlled by solar energy is applied, 80% of solar energy may be blocked. This is very much ideal for an outdoor classroom or freestanding conservatory.
Heat reflection and absorption level depend on the window film’s construction. Dyed films do not have metals, and therefore do not have a reflective property. It only absorbs and stores solar energy. Dyed films are not practical when it comes to controlling light and solar heat because of the absence of solar reflectance. There is also a Nano or metalized film, which is suitable for solar reflectance and absorption.
The Clear Perforated Window Film provides visibility and transmission of light through perforations. One of the unique features of a perforated window film is privacy, wherein it allows visibility of one side only.
What the Clear Perforated Window Film Does
It Reduces Fading
Clear Perforated Window Film can block 99% of ultraviolet rays, and it also reduces heat. This helps discoloration and fading of your furniture and artificial grass if you have one.
It Decreases Heat
Window film provides solar rejection that reaches up to 82%. This helps you controls spots and unwanted heat from getting in your house. Perforated window film can contribute to creating a calm environment while reducing cooling costs.
It Diminishes Glare
Perforated window film acts like sunglasses; it shields you from the glare. Window films perform an excellent job in preventing glare. Not only that, it protects your artificial turf from melting so you can have a year-round of green view from your artificial lawn.
It is Energy-saving
Window films allow less time to use air-conditioning or heat producing apparatus because window film gives you a naturally serene environment by controlling heat entry.
It Solves Problems Quickly
Installation of window film is straightforward and quick. It can also be easily changed if needed.
It Protects Your Lawn
Windows without films cause increased heat reflection on your surroundings. Energy efficient windows can be your solution, but they produce increased heat. The reflection causes the affected area to be damaged or burned. If you are using an artificial lawn it, it can cause this to melt. Perforated window film prevents it from happening, and ensures that your turf is protected from the sun’s reflection.
Clear Perforated Window Film is useful because of the many things you can get from it, especially protection from heat. Using perforated window film secures your surroundings from internal and external damage.
Getting a Clear Perforated Window Film definitely offers plenty of benefits for both the inside and outside of your home. Grab yours now!