🛑 STOP Your ARTIFICIAL TURF from MELTING 🔥 Do-It-Yourself Window Film Solution 😎

Frequently Asked Questions About Artificial Turf

There are several of reasons why using artificial turf is becoming popular instead of using natural grass. Aside from being an affordable option, the synthetic turf is also low maintenance compared to the amount of care necessary for the upkeep of natural grass. Watering is also not necessary, which will also help reduce your water bill significantly.

Artificial turf can stay green all year round. It is tough enough to withstand even heavy use and is also environmentally friendly. If you are planning to install some synthetic turf at home, here are some facts about artificial turf that you should know about.

Does Synthetic Turf Require Maintenance?

Although synthetic turf is not like natural grass that will need a certain amount of maintenance and care to preserve its beauty, it will still require some upkeep. However, it will only be minimal such as regularly washing and sweeping any accumulated dust and dirt.

What Is the Effect of Heat on Artificial Turf?

During hot sunny days when the artificial turf is exposed to the direct heat from the sun, it often increases in temperature faster and gets a little hotter compared to natural turf. During this time, you can choose to water your artificial turf lawn to keep it hydrated and minimize the temperature.

Direct heat from the sun, especially when it’s blazing, can also often cause discoloration in your artificial grass. However, this is not really a common occurrence.

Does Artificial Turf Fade?

High-quality artificial turfs are usually UV-stabilized to prevent any fading. However, not all turfs have this kind of property, and the UV radiation from the sun can damage the color of the synthetic grass. You can find out this property about artificial turf from your vendor.

Will Artificial Turf Melt?

There are some cases of artificial turf melting, but its primary cause is not the direct sunlight but rather the reflection of the heat of the sun in the windows. It often happens when the windows are treated with reflective window films. The heat that these kinds of films prevent from entering the interior of your house is reflected back outside, which usually hits the turf directly.

How Can You Prevent Artificial Turf from Melting?

One of the best ways to prevent artificial turf from melting is to refrain from using reflective window films. Instead, use the kind of window film that is turf-friendly such as turf guard window films. It can protect your house from the heat of the sun but will not cause any damage to your turf in the process. Visit our website to know more about artificial turf and turf guard window films.

Protect Your Artificial Turf, Natural Grass and Vinyl Siding from Reflection Damage

Turf Guard Window Film is an Affordable Do-It-Yourself Window Film Solution

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