🛑 STOP Your ARTIFICIAL TURF from MELTING 🔥 Do-It-Yourself Window Film Solution 😎

How Is Reflection From the Window Killing the Grass?

Energy-efficient windows are becoming a popular choice for both residential and commercial buildings. As the name suggests, these panels help reduce power consumption. The metallic layer used by these windows reflects heat away; therefore, stabilizing the room temperature. However, did you know that the reflection from the window is killing the grass?

How Does Window Reflection Destroy Your Lawn?

Surely, you want to know how the reflection from the window is killing the grass. The natural grass has a low-temperature limit. It can only reach up to 75 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit. However, the reflected heat coming from your windows can reach up to 200 degrees. Hence, if the lawn absorbs too much sunlight, the grass will die.

Nevertheless, it only happens when you use energy-efficient windows. The Low-E coating directs heat onto your lawn, causing the atmospheric pressure to increase. Consequently, it will kill the natural grass.

How Can You Stop Window Reflection?

 There are a few tips you can remember to stop the reflection from a window from killing the grass.  Here are some of them.

1) Water Your Lawn Every Other Day.

One way to stop window glare from killing the grass is by watering it at least three times a week. This method will keep the turf alive, even in the summer. Do this early in the morning or after 6:00 PM to ensure that the water has already evaporated before the reflected heat hits the surface.

Like a Low-E coating, water droplets on grass blades can magnify the sunlight, causing more damage to your lawn.

2) Change the Plants You Grow in Affected Areas.

Plant flowers and bushes as they hide the turf’s imperfections and absorb more heat than other evergreens.

3) Apply Turf Guard Window Film for Your Windows.

It is the best solution to stop window reflection from killing the grass. It has anti-reflective properties that refract off the sunbeam. Moreover, the film spreads the heat evenly so that every part will get equal amounts of temperature. With this solution, it will be impossible to reach the natural grass’ burning point.

However, preventing the sun reflecting off your windows from killing the grass is not the only thing it can do. It can also protect your vinyl siding from warping. Moreover, it helps you save energy. It allows the natural light to come into your home and stabilizes the room temperature. Indeed, it is one of the best turf protection products on the market.

Prevent the reflection from the window from killing your grass! Go to our website and buy our Turf Guard Window Film products.

Protect Your Artificial Turf, Natural Grass and Vinyl Siding from Reflection Damage

Turf Guard Window Film is an Affordable Do-It-Yourself Window Film Solution

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