🛑 STOP Your ARTIFICIAL TURF from MELTING 🔥 Do-It-Yourself Window Film Solution 😎

Stop Window Reflections Damaging Turf Grass and Keep Your Yard Looking Great

Artificial turf grass is supposed to alleviate all the problems homeowners face when trying to maintain a lawn made up of actual living grass. It doesn't need water, it doesn't need sunlight, it doesn't need fertilizing, mowing, re-seeding, and it won't be damaged by bugs, burrowing mammals, or much else. But what's one major drawback turf yards have over grass lawns?

Synthetic grass can't grow back if it's damaged. And fake grass can be badly damaged in certain conditions, namely the melting from the sunlight reflecting off of energy efficient windows.

Energy Efficient Windows Can Melt Your Artificial Grass

When sunshine hits highly reflective low-e windows it can create hot shafts of light that can melt the grass, which then must be ripped out and replaced. And often the damaged grass needs to be removed in huge swaths, well beyond the damaged areas, in order to maintain the uniformity of appearance you value.

How to Combat the Problem of Melting Synthetic Turf 

So how to stop energy efficient window reflections melting fake grass? Stop the reflections with anti glare window coatings from Turf Guard Window Film.

Turf Guard Window Film can protect your artificial grass by breaking up reflections into thousands of little shafts of light instead of concentrating all the light into one beam. It's like the reverse effect of sending light trough a magnifying glass, and it has the result of keeping synthetic lawns safe against melting instead of letting concentrated light damage the handsome artificial lawn you paid handsomely to have installed. 

Artificial Grass Melting - The Cause and Solution

window tint for synthetic turf grass

protect synthetic turf from melting from sun damage

window tint for synthetic grass

Protect Your Artificial Turf, Natural Grass and Vinyl Siding from Reflection Damage

Turf Guard Window Film is an Affordable Do-It-Yourself Window Film Solution

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