Artificial turf grass is one of the best enhancements you can make to a property. It always looks green, it never needs water, you don't have to cut it or edge it, there's no fertilizer or re-seeding, and none of the other maintenance and worries that come with a natural lawn.
There are, however, two drawbacks to getting fake grass for your property, and the second problem compounds the first. First, high quality turf grass is expensive. Second, artificial grass can be damaged by window reflections created by energy efficient windows, and once damaged, this expensive ground cover option must be removed and replaced.
So stop windows from melting your turf grass by installing Turf Guard Window Film on your energy efficient windows. This window covering can protect more than just the grass, too.
Window Reflections Can Melt Vinyl Siding
Highly reflective low-e windows can melt the vinyl siding so common on so many residences and businesses, and like turf grass vinyl siding melted by window reflections cannot be repaired save by complete removal and replacement. And even once replaced, the siding will just be melted by solar glare again unless you treat the root cause of the problem and stop window reflections with Turf Guard Window Film. This film does not block the view out through the windows and won't stop light from coming in, but it will stop the light that bounces off the windows from forming beams that can cause such costly damage.